Monday, April 13, 2009
Love by Rupert Brooke
Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate,
Where that comes in that shall not go again;
Love sells the proud heart’s citadel to Fate.
They have known shame, who love unloved.
Even then,When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking,
And agony’s forgot, and hushed the crying
Of credulous hearts, in heaven—such are but taking
Their own poor dreams within their arms, and lying
Each in his lonely night, each with a ghost.
Some share that night.
But they know love grows colder,
Grows false and dull, that was sweet lies at most.
Astonishment is no more in hand or shoulder,
But darkens, and dies out from kiss to kiss.
All this is love; and love is but this.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Bisik Hati
Mengulang bait-bait ucap
Yang tak pernah sunyi
Dari hadir di kamar pemikiran
Kata hati aku tak ingin pergi
Makan aja kata-kata pojok
Omong-omongan mereka
Yang tak pernah mengerti
Perih di kalbi
Mencengkam jiwa
Merusak kekuatan
Mengubah aku
Menjadi lebih berani
Lebih cekal
Lebih kental
Menjadi lebih utuh dari cengal
Buatan acheh di nusantara
Kadang-kadang lebih harum
Memikat sukma seperti kasturi
Melekat di hati
Menjamu imaginasi
Lebih pahit dari hempedu
Lebih kelat dari blijo
Itulah yang akan lebih lama
Melekat di dalam ingatan
Apa mungkin kau akan mengerti
Maksud kata-kata ku ini
Bila mana kau tak pernah
Memijak pasir di bumi ku
Bila mana kau tak pernah
Menghirup udara di sekelilingku
Bila mana kau tak pernah
Merasa angin lalu di sisiku
Bila mana kau tak pernah
Mencuba untuk menjadi aku
Dan takkan pernah
Pantas menjadi aku..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Berikan aku kekuatan
Agar dapat ku berdiri
Dalam badai yang melanda diri ini
Berikan aku semangat
Agar dapat ku tempuh
Dugaan yang mencabar ini
Berikan aku petunjuk-Mu
Agar aku tak hanyut
Di buai arus ombak ini
Terimalah maghfirahku
Agarku temui keredhaan
Dalam setiap ketentuan-Mu
Berikan aku waktu
Untuk aku meniti hari-hari
Dibumi para KekasehMu
Berikan aku sahabat
Yang sentiasa bersamaku
Di dalam suka dan duka
Berikanlah aku kaseh
Sesuci kasehku padaMu
Biarpun tak terzahir di pandangan
Qabulkanlah permintaanku
Rahmatilah hidupku
Kuatkanlah imanku
Luruskanlah perjalananku
Terangilah hatiku
Redhailah aku
Redhailah aku
Redhailah aku
Tiang Seri
Bersama bayang-bayang kasihku
Dia berpergian tak mengutus rindu
Merampas ketenangan kalbu
Ku kenang kisah di kala itu
Dia mengeluh
Tiada guna berlagu
Aku bukan lagi yang satu
Tanya hati
Mengapa diri harus menderita
Dalam kesetiaan
Dikhianati turus percaya
Apa harus
Di ucapkan
Apa harus
Ku lakukan
Kala cinta itu
Bukan milikku lagi
Kala hati itu
Bukan padaku lagi
Kala cinta itu
Membutuhkan aku
Merobohkan tiang seri
Teratak kehidupan ku ini
Bila mana cinta itu
Mampu menhancurkan aku
Sedang ia
Amat mengasyikkan
Ku teruskan langkah ini
Menuruti akal fikiranku
Biar hatiku tersirih
Biar jiwaku merintih
Takkan ku menyerah
Tiang seri kehidupan ku itu.
Friday, March 6, 2009
a blog that has change my perception a lot..
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I’ve met my bestfriend in my primary school today (ZK) at our bestfriend wedding where I am the maid-of-honor. ..things went ok until ZK commented on the other bridemaids about their make up and hair done. She commented on how did they go to pray with those heavy make up and hair done with those baju kebaya chongsam which is very ‘complicated’ to be take off for afternoon prayer and let alone the rest of the day prayer..
Me as usual, will try to provoke this one kind of my beloved friend by saying “well, maybe the put it on’ hold’..”. ZK was so shock and says:
ZK: “ My Goodness!!! They cant do that, u cant skip the prayer like that. You have to perform it no matter what!”
well, now she has started to give me a lecture on prayer. So I said to her :
ZZ: “gal, those ppl maybe has perform their prayer n we didn’t know it.. or maybe they some kind put it on ‘hold’..we cant judge them, just leave it to the God above.. He knows better than us.”
(thou I know maybe they ‘did put on hold’ their zuhur prayer but I cant denied the possibility they did remove their make up, and go to pray then put the make up again..)
Then we change to some other topics and unfortunately, she asked me about our friend ‘L’. I said to her that I do contact with her but just through the FS…to my concern, L is my friend so long she doesn’t back-stabbing our friendship. But suddenly, Z , came out with this statement:
ZK: eyy, did u know that L is no longer wearing her tudung?
ZZ: err, I don’t know, myb yes but in her FS she still wear it. It’s up to the individual thou
ZK: owh, I thought u knew it already..
ZZ: honestly, it’s her right. We just could pray for her but not to judge her..
ZK: but what makes her to change drastically? She did wore it since school..
ZZ: gal, it just her appearance, but L is still L..maybe she wanted to be different, we don’t know about it. yes, it is sinful but she has the right to be wrong only then she’ll learn her lesson. I know a lot of tudung gal who did wore skin-color legging and wearing it with skirt or wearing a skin-tight shirt and on the same time did ‘mingle’ around with guys. Unfortunately, instead of judging them as a ‘not-so-good-muslim-gal’, people would judge her soooo good just because she’s wearing tudung. Did u get it? L is not longer wearing her tudung but have u ever heard or seeing her ‘mingling’ around with guys will free? Have u ever see her went to any of his guys friends house? Have u ever heard she letting any of her boyfriend to even hold her hand? Never right? It’s because her pride, her dignity, she keep it in her heart and her mind..not in her ‘expensive-glittery-flowery’ tudung.
God! What had happen to this friend of mine. I haven’t met her for about 4 years and she did changed a lot.. im happy for her change but I’m kindda uncomfortable the way she make out the statement…n God knows who will be the next..maybe it will be me n I don’t know what kind of statement it would be. what I mean is, I cant just abruptly think that someone has done something wrong based on what they had done before asking what really happened.
The provocative comment didn’t stop there, it continued when SH are now bersanding there wearing her wedding gown with that bare up the upper chest and her upper back and did ‘conceal’ it with a layer of thin ‘sheer-bronzy-shimmer’ to make it more tanned. She looked so pretty with that wedding gown and ZK again make out a statement which I reply :
ZZ: my dear, SH is someone’s wife now, I bet her husband know how to handle her and I strongly believed that that is the first and the last time of her to wear that kind of gown for the rest of her life...It’s her most enchanted-happiest day of her life and we should pray for her happiness after this..
But after all, ZK,L, SH are my friend and the fact that they have changed to someone that I wish they will never be would not changed the fact that I still love and regard them as my friends..Hey, friends are diamond..they forever valuable.. =)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Reflecting The Law ; New Era for Varsity Students
The gazetting of the Universities and University Colleges (Amendment) Act ushers in an era of evolutionary changes towards more democratic, vibrant and open campuses.
HIGHER Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khalid Nordin is to be congratulated for gazetting the Universities and University Colleges (Amendment) Act 2009.
The First Schedule of the Act that deals with the “constitution of universities” requires further legislative and administrative action by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. But other provisions that relate to students’ rights and responsibilities are now fully in operation.
The Act has sought to enhance students’ constitutional and legal rights and to grant to students better procedural protections. There is a cautious but definite effort to usher in a new and liberal era of student-university relationships.
The ministry is now involved in a nation-wide “road show” to promote legal awareness of the amendments. Hopefully this will promote knowledge as well as inculcate attitudinal changes within the minds of all stakeholders.
The hitherto all-powerful university administrators must now ease the stranglehold they held over all aspects of student life. The student recipients of new entitlements must remember that rights per se have no value. It is what rights are for; it is the sense of responsibility and restraint with which they are exercised that is the mark of a mature mind.
Freedom of association: Extensive changes are made to the Act (commonly known as AUKU) to liberalise the law on this student freedom. The Amendment Act removes most restrictions on the rights of students to associate with youth and social organisations.At present students need prior permission to join any organisation outside the university. The amendment to AUKU removes the need for any prior permission. Students are free, individually and in groups, to join any society or organisation (including non-governmental organisations) without any prior clearance from the university authorities.However, this right is still subject to three exceptions. Students are prohibited from joining a political party; an organisation declared by legislation to be unlawful; and any organisation specified by the minister as being unsuitable for student involvement.In naming an “unsuitable” organisation, the minister shall consult the boards of all universities. There shall be uniformity for all universities. The present discretion of individual Student Affairs Departments shall cease to operate. Wide divergence from university to university will cease. Student interaction with politicians and political parties is allowed on academic occasions.Unlike previously, post-graduate students are now entitled to vote, to contest and to provide leadership to their peers.Suspension or dissolution by the Vice-Chancellor of a student organisation must now be preceded by a prior hearing. Appeal to the minister against the VC’s decision is allowed.
Freedom of speech: Students can now make public statements on any academic matter on which they are engaged in study or research. Under the amendments there is permission to indulge in research, comment and criticism on all academic occasions. Students can express themselves freely at seminars and symposiums provided that these seminars are not organised by the three categories of forbidden organisations listed in section 15(5).Students must, of course, note that as with all free speech, the national laws on sedition, defamation, etc, will fully apply on campus as outside the campus.
De-criminalisation of AUKU: Previously, for violation of university laws, criminal penalties were in place. This has been changed. The amendment de-criminalises the Act by removing all criminal penalties and substituting them with disciplinary measures by the University.
Various provisions like sections 15B and 15C that provided for presumptions of guilt, criminal liability even without conviction and collective criminal guilt have been repealed.
No automatic suspension or dismissal: The Act removes the provisions for mandatory, automatic suspension or expulsion of a student who is charged with a criminal offence or who is convicted of an offence, or who is detained or restricted under preventive detention or restricted residence laws.The university is given discretion to handle these cases as it sees fit depending on whether the offence is a serious, “registrable” criminal offence or a minor offence unrelated to academic character.
Fundamental right to education: The new Act recognises that education is a citizen’s fundamental right. Students detained under preventive laws are not automatically dismissed. They may, with the permission of the Home Minister and the permission of the University Senate, take their examination in the detention centre.A student who is acquitted of a charge in a court of law or has served out his sentence or has been released from a detention order, has a right to return to the university and his forced absence cannot be taken into account in calculating the maximum period he is allowed for completing his studies.If student was excluded from a public university he has a right to enroll in a private institution and, with the permission of the minister, in another public university.The university’s right to revoke a degree or a diploma has been greatly narrowed down and subjected to procedural safeguards for the student concerned.
Fairer disciplinary procedures: The Act provides for fairer student disciplinary procedures, right to oral and written representation and right to be represented by others.The minister’s power to dismiss an appeal summarily is repealed. The right to hear student appeals is transferred to the board. Adjudicators now have strict time limits to communicate their decision to the accused.
Participation in governance: The Board of the University shall have a Student Welfare Committee on which two student representatives shall be entitled to sit. The Senate of the University is empowered to invite a student to attend its deliberations.All in all the Universities and University Colleges (Amendment) Act 2009 seeks to promote student rights and dignities and to usher in an era of evolutionary changes towards more democratic, vibrant and open campuses.However, good governance is not in legislation but in fair administration. The provisions of the law need to be backed by necessary psychological and attitudinal changes on the part of all concerned.
> Dr Shad Faruqi is Professor of Law at UiTM. <
Legal Opinion
I will look at the matter involved per se.
First,there’s no clause in the first agreement providing that there is a continuation of the contract agreement after the first agreement had lapsed. The new agreement will come into effect if;
(i) the hirer signing up the agreement or,
(ii) if the new agreement is a supplementary to the first agreement providing that there is a clause in the first agreement that allowing the circumstances.
The issue then arose in the Plaintiff should initiate proceeding by tribunal or civil suit.
Thirdly, whether there is a continuation of the new contract by signing the new agreement. Forthly, whether the Plaintiff can ask for the refund of money paid if he refused to sign the new contract agreement.
In my opinion, i will advice our client to proceed with civil suit. The reasons are :
(i) The matter involves dispute of fact and law
(ii) In court, plaintiff can produce may produce evidences for the judgment
(iii) Plaintiff may ask for damages
Then for the next issue is whether there is a continuation of the new contract by signing the new agreement. In my opinion, if a party signed the agreement, it will bind on them automatically.Party to the contract must honor it.They are presumed to have acquiesced to the terms of the contract agreement. So, if the party objected to one or more of the terms of the agreement, they must perform action on a reasonable period of time before they are barred to do that.
Forthly, whether the Plaintiff can ask for the refund of money paid if he refused to sign the new contract agreement. In my opinion, the money paid by the plaintiff is not refundable. He has no sufficient cause of actions for the claim. The money paid was subjected to the former agreement between the parties. The Plaintiff has no right to ask for the refund of the money unless there are some breaches or defects proven on the company’s part during the continuance of the former agreement up to the expiration which render the contract to be voidable. The law is settled that money paid is not refundable’. Thus, the plaintiff has no right to ask for the refund of the money paid.
I opine that, the Plaintiff has no right to claim for the refund of the money paid. But he may ask to vary the contract. The company may vary or amend the condition in the disputed contract agreement upon request from the majority.
Lastly, if the plaintiff refuse to proceed with the new agreement and wanted to return the goods, he should make a written request on the subject matter accordingly.
A word that always be in my mind
One that sometimes
Took a toll on me
Making them to see
That I am weak on the inside
A word that been instilled in soul
One that sometimes
Giving me a hope to live
Making me to believe
That i could go through the pain
A word in my life
One that sometimes
Giving out the perception
Chocking me intensely
But will never make me dead
A word that has become my blood
Running through my vein
I dont know
How much longer I could take
But when one day
I could not take it anymore
No one could escape the blast !
A prayer from a person betrayed will go staright to her Creator, without any veil to lift, without any deed demanded and without any compromised...remember that!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
From a bunch of friends to someone indeed
Then the thought would come and crossed your mind
Have I’ve gone wild
Or is that just me?
Don’t try to understand my passion
You just have to be patience
Washed away the bad thought you have about me
Coz one day for it, you will be sorry
People said
What you see is what you get
But I do believed
You got to comprehend the situation before you
Coz nothing is transparent
Nothing is crystal clear
Nothing like what you’ve been thinking
Coz nothing really illustrated as it’s written
All that I know
I’ll try my best to fulfill my dreams
And embrace the happiness
I’m doing what I’m saying
Neither merely a spoken words
Nor a promises to be broke
U will never knew who took my heart
Or whoever has my heart
Coz I keep it silent for my own thought
Far-reach for anyone’s grips
You might be wondering
Is this heart still with me?
As I let it go to wander around
Without anyone noticed about it
I let it wonder and wander
For it to see the world more than me
Learn everything from time to time
From one place to another
I don’t think u would understand the situation
Coz knowing me
Required you to think more
One that distinguishly will makes you look like the loser